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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

More TZ-20 Amp

I've finished the wiring. Now I need to cobble together a power supply and I'll be ready to test it.

My deadline is about two months away, the January AWA Linc Cundall CW Contest. Two years ago I did ok with my 1934 transmitter running barefoot, this time I'd like to add 75 watt "boots".


Derek_VK3KX said...

Looks fabulous Niel. Any tips on how to do wrinkle finish paint or find period meters?
73 Derek VK3KX

Niel - W0VLZ said...

For wrinkle paint I wait until a warm sunny and and set up in the backyard. I always paint one surface at a time so that the wet paint can't run or sag. Finally I've resigned myself to once and a while stripping a bad "do" off and starting over.

Panel meters are where you can find them: hamfests, friends, on-line email reflects, ect.