Today I was at the Rochester, MN UPS depot at 10AM sharp to pick up my new radio. I got serial number 43 of, I expect, thousands. Elecraft has crammed a lot into a small box. I spent most of the day figuring out how to use it.
One QSO so far. KB5AE in Ada, OK answered my CQ on 20 CW. He reported a fine 579 signal down his way.
Hi Niel,
I read your post on the KX3 Group, and tracked you down to your blog (nice!). I ordered my KX3 on March 3rd, so have a bit a a wait. That looks like an Eico 720 on your desk. I had one when I was 16 in 1966.
Good morning Niel, congratulations on the arrival of the KX3. There are many more who are still hoping the next day will bring word of their new Elecraft KX3. It's a very nice rig for sure. I have the KX1,K2 and K3 rigs. Thought at this point I was Elecrafted to the rafters.
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