Last night I set up my station for this year's AWA Bruce Kelley Memorial 1929 QSO Party. I decided to go with my
TNT transmitter this year and, as a book end for ham technology, pair it with my Elecraft KX3 running as the receiver. With 275 volts on the 210 plates my TNT transmitter runs at just under 10 watts input. Output is 2-3 watts....about to be expected for this sort of transmitter.
After confirming via the
Reverse Beacon Network that I was indeed getting out on 80 I tried a QSO this morning. I worked W4DBV near Nashville, TN. When quizzed about my signal Bryan reported:
"I can't really assign your tone a number, and my verbal description is
about as close as I can come. I have heard much worse, and I have also
heard other rigs that are about the same as yours -- usually vintage or
HB vintage designs, most running QRP levels of power. Your note did
not have a frank buzz, I can say that."
While not the best signal report it will certainly do for this weekend. In the meantime I'll play with the loading to see if I can improve it a little.