Sunday, June 4, 2017

QRP in the Park .... 2017

I had a nice time at the park today ... sat in the shade, sipped on my Pepsi, and worked MD, ME and NY on 20 meter CW using my KX3 running about 5 watts. Signals were perfectly readable, typically S5-6.

Essex Park here in Rochester, MN (and most any other place with a shaded picnic table) is my summer shack. During the winter I can play with boat anchors in the basement but operating HF QRP during the summer lets me get out to the park and away from neighborhood static/noise. I can also put up a higher antenna than in my own yard.

What's this like? Take a look at this youtube video: I'm ten years older, I've added feedline to the antenna, the rig has changed and the brand of pop has changed but Essex Park still has the same tall trees, picnic tables and shade.

Now, where's that second Pepsi?


  1. I ran across an announemtn for the Bruce Kelley Memorial CW QSO Party and started some research to consider building a rig based on technology / tubes before then.

    While everyone is building time correct rigs, my research from a 1928 QST clearly talks about tetrode tubes, crystal control. and push-pull transmitters which will all ad to stability.

    Am I wrong with this as I thought anything before 1929 was fair game but only see rigs copied from a couple of years(4-5?) earlier.


  2. Ken,

    I believe Bruce Kelley, when he started the BK back in the 80s, wanted to encourage the use of rigs not common on the air in recent years. He therefore specifically vetoed crystal control. It just went against his intent. The LC coming up in February will allow crystal control and encourages rigs common up through the 40s.

    For the BK most anything goes that uses pre-1930 tube types and is not crystal control. My push-pull TNT is, in fact, published in Nov 1930 QST but it is an older design so it qualifies. Most of the rigs are simple Hartleys or TNTs with, possibly, a power amp stage. The type 27 tube is fairly available and not real expensive. See for a transmitter built around this triode.

    I hope you are able to participate in this year's BK.

    73, Niel
