The 2016 Novice Rig Roundup ended last night.
It was neat to hear rigs on the air that I haven't heard in a long time. The NRR also gave me a reason to put my own tube gear on the air. Too often it is easier to sit down, flip on the KX3 and have a QSO. During the NRR, faced with 20 knobs and two meters spread between the 75A4 and Eico 720, I couldn't help but feel master of my universe. There was always one knob more that can be tweaked.
Next year I'll be certain to also have my NC303 / Ranger II combo on the air and, maybe, my Drake B Line.
John, WA0FDV, tells me that he was running at 30 watts, not 20 watts. John was using his WRL Meteor (SB-175) on CW in the AM position with the screen voltage reduced. Thanks, John, for the correction and additional information. Niel