Thursday, July 9, 2015

1T4 / 3V4 Regenerative Portable

Since getting a 3S4 QRP midget transmitter I've been thinking about building a receiver to match it. I wanted to use tubes along the same lines as the 3S4 and, at the same time, have a late 50s style. The late 50s/early 60s ARRL "How to Become a Radio Amateur" featured a two tube regen with a 3 1/2" National type K dial. That sort of style was what I was looking for.

I finally found the receiver circuit at Bob's Data: Useful Electronic Data and Project Plans and I have a National Type K Dial to set the style.

I've found the parts I need and have played with them to figure out a layout I like. The chassis is marked up and I'm ready to drill.

 Parts List (use 1/2 watt resistors):R1 1 Meg
R2 39K
R3 100 K Potentiometer
R4 47K
R5 2 Meg Potentiometer
R6 47K
C1 11-194 pF Variable (7 full plates)
C2 9-19 pF Variable (one ¾ inch diam. plate)
C3 100 pF
C4 .002 uF
C5 .01 uF
C6, C9 1 uF @ 100V
C7 .05 uF
C8 .22 uF
L1,2,3 Wound on same PVC form
T1 10K to 8 ohm Audio Transformer

1 comment:

  1. What you were experiencing with this little rig is very normal for regen receivers. The all have the same quirks that you were describing. Try using as loose of an antenna coupling as possible. I have one large turn that is several inches from the tank circuit. However, I have a VERY high impedance grid circuit. 10Meg Ohms and 5pF. It is incredibly sensitive, but touchy.

    Chris KQ6UP
