Beth and I just got back from a trip covering 4900 miles in eleven western states. I had packed my K1 and 67' end fed wire antenna so I operated along the way. QTHs included Pt Defiance (in Tacoma, WA), Paradise (on

the south side of Mt Raineer) and West Cliffe, CO (south of Denver). I worked WA7NCL, N7MOB, K0FTC, KD6L, W6LOH, KK4IP, N5RDN, KG8YT, KD8A, WB0UFF, W4HEX in nine states. Signals on 20 tended to be a down but it was still fun to get on the air and see who I could work. My most memorable contct was with W4HEX, Will. He was operating mobile CW near Mongomery, AL. At the time he was using his K2 and a Hamstick on his pickup but backup rigs included a K1 and a K3.